Political Economy of Taxation in an Overlapping-Generations Economy

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, vol. 11, n.1, pp.18-43.

This code is written for Matlab 6.

Main file: olgsolve.m

Subroutine needed for the computation of the threat point, under endogenous and exogenous prices: kstexo.m, kstendo.m

Objective function in solving for the political-economic equilibrium: nashfunexo.m, nashfunendo.m

Contraints in solving for the political-economic equilibrium: nashconexo.m, nashconendo.m

Subroutine needed for the computation of the steady state: steady.m

Main file in the case of no government spending: olgsolvenog.m

Objective function in solving for the political-economic equilibrium with no government spending: nashfunendonog.m

Constraints in solving for the political-economic equilibrium with no government spending: nashconendonog.m

Note: This code also requires the subroutine for the computation of the threat point, which is the same as above (kstendo.m).